by John Lawrence from the San Diego Free Press
Did Saudi Arabia Aid the 9/11 Hijackers?
All indications are that our biggest buddy in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia, was directly involved with the 9/11 hijackers, and what's more, exports its extreme form of Islam, Wahhabism, to al Qaeda, ISIS and other groups determined to wipe out the West and Western values. There are 28 pages of the 9/11 report that deal directly with the Saudi role that so far have not been released. They have been redacted because the US relationship with the Saudis would be in jeopardy if they were to be released.
Last week the US Senate passed a bill that would let families of US victims of 9/11 sue the Saudis if they were found to be responsible for 9/11. The Saudis have gone so far as to say that, if the bill became law, they would dump $750 billion worth of US Treasury bonds on the world market. That would blow up not only our relationship with the Saudis, but the world financial system which is predicated on the US dollar being the world's reserve currency and its being necessary for the purchase of oil. That's why other countries that buy oil on the world markets have to hold dollars.
We have been taught to love the Saudis and hate ISIS. Brutal beheadings are shown on the evening news carried out by ISIS. Yet we are never shown a beheading by the Saudis which happens all the time. They're just not videotaped, that's all. The Saudis operate under Sharia law just like ISIS does. A contractor told me recently of his time in Riyadh where the half time entertainment at soccer games was beheadings. Instead of a concert by Beyonce, they'd clear the soccer field, have a beheading or two, then bring back the players for the second half. That's their half time entertainment! Saudi Arabia carried out at least 157 executions in 2015. Yet none of our public officials mention this fact. Beheading is the form of execution in Saudi Arabia, and, according to my friend, it can be for as trivial a peccadillo as embarrassing someone's daughter! After the beheadings the Saudis put the headless bodies on display by hanging them around the city.
The government of Saudi Arabia beheaded forty-seven people on terror charges in a single day at the start of 2016, in the kingdom’s largest wave of executions in more than three decades. Saudi schoolchildren are taught that beheading Christians, Jews and Shiites is just fine and dandy. And these are our so-called "friends" in the middle east!
Every woman in America and the West should be outraged by how the Saudis treat women. They aren't allowed to drive for starters. A hidden camera videotaped a woman being shoved to the ground in a supermarket, her groceries scattered all over the floor, simply because she got in the way of a man. Saudi dissidents secretly videotaped the Saudi religious police - the Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, whose job it is to patrol the shopping malls and streets looking for transgressions, accosting a woman for wearing make-up. If they show a few strands of hair which are not covered up by their hijabs and burkas, they could be whipped. Western women rejoice, your lot in life, although not perfect, is vastly superior to your counterparts in the middle east.
President Nixon Sealed the Deal With King Faisal
The deal "oil for dollars" was made by none other that the "deal with the devil" boy, Richard Nixon, himself. In 1973 then President Nixon asked King Faisal of Saudi Arabia to accept only US dollars as payment for oil and to invest any excess profits in US Treasury bonds, notes, and bills. In exchange, Nixon pledged to protect Saudi Arabian oil fields from the Soviet Union and other interested nations, such as Iran and Iraq. It was the start of the deal with the devil. Here is the short version of the sick system we now operate under:
The short version of the story is that a 1970s deal cemented the US dollar as the only currency to buy and sell crude oil, and from that monopoly on the all-important oil trade the US dollar slowly but surely became the reserve currency for global trades in most commodities and goods. Massive demand for US dollars ensued, pushing the dollar's value up, up, and away. In addition, countries stored their excess US dollar savings in US Treasuries, giving the US government a vast pool of credit from which to draw.
That explains why the US has been able to run humongous deficits year after year. Other countries that need dollars are more than happy to park their money in dollar denominated US Treasury bonds. If the Saudis decide they don't want to play this game any longer, dump their $750 billion of US Treasuries and start accepting other currencies as payment for oil, other countries will start dumping their US Treasury bonds. At that point there won't be much of a market for US bonds, and the US might have to stop running deficits and pay as it goes.
So what happens when major countries of the world decide they can obtain oil through various agreements that don't require the US dollar? All that borrowed money that the US has been using and running up sky high national debts and deficits with will represent the chickens coming home to roost. The US won't be able to sell any more Treasury bonds in order to continue running up deficits. The world's reserve currency, the dollar, will have to share the stage with other reserve currencies which are now building up.
The world financial system, which gave the US all kinds of advantages over other countries, will be in disarray. The value of the dollar will collapse. But not to worry. The Fed can just print more dollars to pay off our creditors. That will last for a while but not for long. Eventually, after a long, hard night, the US will have to get its act together and pay as it goes, not dependent on credit from petrodollars. US world hegemony will be kaput. This will inevitably happen anyway as the world transforms from a dependency on fossil fuels and transitions to renewable forms of energy. The byproduct will be that the dollar will no longer be the world's reserve currency and the US deal with the devil will be moot.
The San Diego Connection
OK, let's bring this back to the present day and the aforementioned 28 pages that have been redacted from the 9/11 report. The Saudis don't want them ever to see the light of day because the Saudis were complicit in the 9/11 bombings. 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudis. Two Saudis that landed in San Diego before the bombings took place and later became hijackers were given financial support by high ranking members of the Saudi government.
Sources who have leaked some of the contents of the 9/11 report say that there is “incontrovertible evidence” gathered from both CIA and FBI case files of official Saudi assistance for at least two of the Saudi hijackers who settled in San Diego. There was a flurry of pre-9/11 phone calls between one of the hijackers’ Saudi handlers in San Diego and the Saudi Embassy, and the transfer of some $130,000 from then Saudi Ambassador Prince Bandar’s family checking account to yet another of the hijackers’ Saudi handlers in San Diego.
The New York Post goes on:
Former FBI agent John Guandolo, who worked 9/11 and related al Qaeda cases out of the bureau’s Washington field office, says Bandar should have been a key suspect in the 9/11 probe.
“The Saudi ambassador funded two of the 9/11 hijackers through a third party,” Guandolo said. “He should be treated as a terrorist suspect, as should other members of the Saudi elite class who the US government knows are currently funding the global jihad.”
But Bandar held sway over the FBI.
After he met on Sept. 13, 2001, with President Bush in the White House, where the two old family friends shared cigars on the Truman Balcony, the FBI evacuated dozens of Saudi officials from multiple cities, including at least one Osama bin Laden family member on the terror watch list. Instead of interrogating the Saudis, FBI agents acted as security escorts for them, even though it was known at the time that 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi citizens.
“The FBI was thwarted from interviewing the Saudis we wanted to interview by the White House,” said former FBI agent Mark Rossini, who was involved in the investigation of al Qaeda and the hijackers. The White House “let them off the hook.”
So it's good ole Bush who lied us into the war in Iraq who knew good and well who the culprits were in the 9/11 attack, yet acted as their protector. He even flew members of the bin Laden family out of the country before bin Laden was even a suspect. “Even though American airspace had been shut down,” Sky News reported, “the Bush administration allowed a jet to fly around the US picking up family members from 10 cities, including Los Angeles, Washington DC, Boston and Houston.” “Two dozen members of Osama bin Laden’s family were urgently evacuated from the United States in the first days following the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington,” CBS reported.
Is this all starting to make sense? Republican President Richard Nixon took us off the gold standard, then made a deal with the Saudis so that all transactions for oil would have to be paid in dollars, then he and subsequent US Presidents used the enormous resulting credit and appetite for Treasuries to run up the US national debt. This was followed by President George W Bush's complicity in the 9/11 attacks by protecting the Saudis and letting Saudi officials and the bin Laden family off the hook instead of investigating them. Then, knowing full well who was responsible for 9/11, Bush went to war with a nation that was totally innocent of 9/11 and killed its leader thus unleashing chaos in the middle east culminating in the European refugee crisis. Finally, the cover-up was complete when the 28 pages were redacted during the Bush administration. The release of this information would probably not only implicate the Saudis but their best buddy, George W Bush, as well.
Last Tuesday the US Senate passed a bill that would let US citizens who were victims of 9/11 sue Saudi Arabia. President Obama has said that, even if the bill should pass the House, he would veto it. Why? Because he doesn't want to upset the world's financial apple cart. He doesn't want the Saudis dumping $750 billion worth of US Treasuries on the world market. He doesn't want the Saudis accepting Japanese yen and European euros in exchange for oil. He doesn't want the BRICS countries New Development Bank becoming a rival to the IMF and World bank. He doesn't want the US to lose its hegemony over the world economy. Finally, he doesn't want the US to have to live within its own means and pay its own debts.