Which Is Truer: The American People Are Hurting Because of the Cost of Eggs or The American People Are Well Off If They Can Spend Thousands on Taylor Swift Concerts and All the Airline Seats Are Filled
by John Lawrence
Apparently, there's a cutoff point above which Americans are all enjoying the good life and below which Americans are sweating their next rent payment. Kamala needs to get a graph which shows where this cutoff point is. Then she needs to appeal to the majority of voters not just a minority of Taylor Swift concert goers or those that can't pay their rent. According to the Fed's 2022 Economic Well-Being of U.S. Households survey ..., 37% of Americans lack enough money to cover a $400 emergency expense, up 5% from 32% in 2021 and back to 2019 levels. That means that 63% of Americans can cover a $400 emergency with no problems.Ticket prices to concerts and sports events are not cheap, and they sell out well in advance. Will the real American please stand up? Everyone complains about the cost of groceries, but does that include those filling airline seats, going to professional football games and paying big bucks filling seats at numerous events. Which is it? So, Kamala needs not to make a mistake by only appealing to 37% of Americans. She needs to appeal to the other 63% as well or at least a majority including both segments..
So what are the 63% of Americans concerned with? Reproductive freedom, for sure. It's very American to not want government telling you what you can and cannot do. They are also concerned about the border, and that includes Democrats as well as Republicans. Kamala should get out in front of Trump on this issue. Here's a policy for you: The goal should be not one illegal border crossing while increasing legal pathways for immigration. It's very simple. Forget all the ifs, ands, buts, whereases and other considerations. KISS: Keep it simple, stupid. That's the only thing Americans can understand. They don't read. They are only involved in politics to the extent that it is entertaining them, especially Trump voters. Kamala should go ahead and do what she did yesterday - make bold policy proposals without worrying about how we're going to pay for it. Leave it to the wonks to get down in the weeds about that. Most Americans don't care about the weeds. They just want to know what she will be trying to accomplish - where her head's at. It's all about getting elected. Did Trump ever get down in the weeds? He can't even make a coherent policy proposal. Kamala should outflank him.
It was a bold stroke to agree with Trump about not taxing tips. She neutralized that Trump initiative. Let Trump complain that it was his idea first. Who cares? Kamala is outsmarting Trump. It doesn't take much intelligence to do that. She should continue to out smart, finesse, outflank and do whatever it takes to get elected no matter how much Trump or the press or the pundits complain that she's not doing what they think she should do. It's not about doing what the pundits want you to do. It's about doing what will resonate with the American people and will get you elected. There is nothing that says you have to have a complete budget drawn up and every item accounted for before the election. Republicans have been relying on the fact that it's not illegal to lie yourself into a position of political power. They have been doing it for years. I don't advocate that Kamala should lie and for the most part Democrats have not lied, but they should not worry about accounting for every jot and tittle of the policy proposals. And she should do what she thinks she needs to do to get elected not what the pundits think she should do like give news conferences. If she thinks news conferences will advance her position, then she should do them. If not, then she shouldn't and the timing of everything is up to her. It's that simple.