by Carol Carnes
Mother Nature is mad as Hell, and she is not taking it any longer! Extreme temperatures, fires, floods, pandemics are effects. They have a Cause. The cause is in humanity’s cavalier treatment of our home. Polluting our rivers and streams with dangerous chemicals, clogging the oceans with trash, killing off wildlife for sport and poisoning them with our waste, clear cutting timberland, filling the atmosphere with lethal gasses, nuclear plants that fail, not to mention the terrible treatment of our own species. What are we to pray for, if not the complete transformation of our shared belief system?
Dominion does not mean that rape of the land and women and children is permitted. Dominion is responsibility for the care and welfare of the flora and fauna and each other. Dominion is not power over, it is restrained power, managed for the good of all. Our religious superstitions are at the core of our ignorant attitudes.
Today let us know together:
The only true Power there is, is God as Love. That power lies within every heart and at the center of every mind. It is always present. It is greater than any false power we may have thought real. It is the Power that Makes All Things New. Today we call on that Power within ourselves to take precedence in the minds of all people. Today we call it forth to transform our beliefs, lift our vision, raise our expectations, heal our unbelief. Today we allow the Love that is our Source to have it’s way with us; to lead, guide, direct us into right action. We are the people of planet Earth and we are her loving care-takers. Love abounds; understanding rises; fear is abolished. Today we claim our rightful place as co-creators with the One Power. We use it to promote, create and allow global awakening. We are living in harmony with our true Nature, the Mother. We are blessed in return.
And so it is
Stay tuned in,
Carol Carnes