Americans Getting Tired of All the Delays
by John Lawrence
Shit or get off the pot. Politicians of both parties are going round and round ad infinitum. A couple of Democrats are helping Republicans with their policy of making Joe Biden spin his wheels until they can take over again. They talk and talk or they don't even do that since they can't even vote in the Senate to debate something. Gridlock, political constipation and never-get-anywhereism. They just are not doing their job. They're letting 2 conservative Democrats control the party's agenda. Republicans are very pleased. They are carrying the Republicans' water. They will be even more pleased if Joe Biden gets nothing done other than what he's already accomplished which is considerable. Mitch McConnell wants to defeat Biden's entire agenda. Republicans are only too happy to sit back and let Manchin and Sinema do their dirty work. Meanwhile, China surges ahead not being restrained by any of these problems. After they delay and delay, they will be going on vacation for the August recess. They don't deserve a recess. They are proceeding at a glacial pace, and then finally they will have a vote which will not have enough Republican support to pass.
C'mon, guys. You're living in the pony express days. This is the age of computers. Expedite. Expedite. Don't spend so much time dialing for dollars. You can work remotely during your recess. These guys are overpaid for what they do, and then what they do doesn't amount to much. Juneteenth is a federal holiday. Clap. Clap. Symbolism is about as far as bipartisanship can go. MSNBC reported:
"Mitch McConnell's come under a lot of criticism for saying, at one point, he wanted to make sure that Barack Obama was a 'one-term president,'" [Wyoming Senator John] Barrasso said last Thursday at an event hosted by the Ripon Society, a centrist Republican think tank, which posted the remarks Tuesday. "I want to make Joe Biden a one-half-term president."
Problem with American Democracy: No sooner has one administration been elected, Republicans are getting ready for the next one in which they hope to regain power. So of necessity they have to do everything they can to make the current administration fail. No thoughts of doing something for the American people. It's all about defeating Democrats who just might do something constructive for the American people. Then when the Republicans get in power, they will reduce taxes on the rich which is about all they can think about doing, and they will do this without any worries or concerns about "pay fors." But anything Democrats want to do has to be covered by "pay fors."
Modern Monetary Theory explains that the US government doesn't need to tax before it can spend. The way the system works is that the Federal Reserve puts enough money into the US Treasury's account to cover any payments the US government has to make whether or not there is tax money to pay for it. The only thing to be concerned about is inflation if too much money in the economy is chasing too few goods and services or if enough human resources aren't available to soak up the spending. Most politicians are still living in the world that the US needs to tax before it can spend. They are totally ignorant in this regard. They don't know how the system actually works. The US has a sovereign currency. Therefore, it can never go bankrupt. It does not have to borrow money in the capital markets and pay the going rate of interest. It sets the interest rate on US debt. If no entity wants to buy US debt it ends up on the Fed's balance sheet where it can remain indefinitely. It never has to be paid off.
Forget about competing with China. The Chinese are running circles around the US because they don't have to deliberate ad nauseum before they act. They don't have to argue with states about states' rights. They don't go on August recess for a month when no work gets done. The US law stipulates that “unless otherwise provided by the Congress,” both Houses must adjourn no later than July 31 each year or the first Friday in August that occurs 30 days before the first Monday in September, until the second day after Labor Day. How many American get the entire month of August off?