Here is a lyric from an old song “imagination is funny, it makes a cloudy day sunny, makes the bee think of honey, just as I think of you.” Take the last word and substitute it with what has your attention. The implication is that what we think of with focus tends to be like honey to a bee. We are naturally drawn to it in the outer world, and it to us. Neville is the only spiritual teacher I have found who calls imagination the Christ. This is a somewhat radical idea, but it makes sense.
He postulates that when scriptures refer to “him or he” as the one who answers prayers, it is a reference to our imagination. “In him we live and move and have our Being.” We are immersed in a field of quivering, expectant intelligence which is responsive to our imagined ideas, which become concepts, which turn into circumstances and things in the outer world. This is the formula that Neville lays down at our feet. It is so simple and easy to grasp. The challenge is to manage our attention which tends to jump all over the place.
One-pointed thought or mindfulness is, indeed, a serious practice. Serious because it is necessary in the manifestation process. This does not mean tense concentration, but rather, spending time imagining yourself as already having what you desire! It means putting your whole Being in the image. “I am that.” There is not a denying power that is a lesson giver. That is superstitious thinking. This universe runs on principles, not punishment. I encourage you to find a copy of The Power of Awareness by Neville. I plan to do an online class using it as a springboard for discussion. Let me know if you are interested.
Affirm: “I am that which I desire.”
Stay tuned in,
Carol Carnes