#President Cuomo
by John Lawrence, April 3, 2020
Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York is one of the competent, masterful people on the scene of mitigation of the coronavirus in contrast to the bumbling incompetence of President Trump. Trump has demonstrated over and over again that he doesn't know what he's doing. He has to be reigned in by people like Dr. Anthony Fauci. He is given to ridiculous pronouncements and prognostications. Why is his approval rating going up? Cuomo on the other hand is on top of the situation, compassionate, thorough and totally dedicated. Trump is a dillettante compared to him, a know nothing. New Yorkers are lucky to have such a knowledgable, proficient and intelligent person for their Governor.
Meanwhile, the Democratic race between Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders has almost been forgotten. They should be getting more media attention than they are getting. As usual Trump is getting all the media attention whether it be good or bad. The truth is that Trump and other Republicans have messed the Federal government up almost beyond recognition. Their mission has been to "drown the government in a bathtub" as Grover Norquist so famously said. Especially everything except the military and the military-industrial complex. So every humanitarian aspect of government from health to welfare has been systematically reduced. In fact they would like to eliminate entirely the Department of Health and Human Services.
Now they're recommending that we wear masks when we go to the grocery store. Where do you get them? Amazon can deliver them somewhere between May 21 and June 21. A lot of help that will do. New York City is running out of ventilators. People will die who might have lived. Of course the poor have been affected more than the rich. This is always the way it is in any crisis. That's why Trump is not overly concerned. When the rich start dying in larger numbers, then Trump will be more concerned especially if his family or donors are affected. It's always the vulnerable who bear the brunt.
Republicans have been successful in cultivating the loyalty of the southern tribe even though a good percentage of southerners are not well served by Republican policies. But gerrymandering and winner take all politics effectively negates any power that minorities might have in this country. White southerners are happy with this situation because they don't want minorities to have any power that would take power away from them. So naturally they are Trump supporters. He is the Great White Hope.
The alternative is to have a government that supports human beings at all economic, ethnic and racial levels. A government that supports people instead of policies which drive economic inequality and creates a few exorbitantly rich people while leaving everyone else in a precarious economic state. If there was ever a time to make a case for Medicare for All, it's now. So why isn't Bernie Sanders all over the TV making that case. It's not his fault, surely. The media is making a ton of money off this crisis. They haven't diminished the number of commercials they're running. In fact they have even more commercials because they know more eyeballs are on the news channels like CNN. So they're making a ton of money off this crisis.