In these times the one thing we want to hold on to is enthusiasm. It is all too easy to fall into the doomsday trap, which is after all, merely an opinion, a limited perception. Enthusiasm for our shared future, despite the horrible choices humanity has made, is key to fulfilling the promise of our boundless possibility. We are either the co-creators of our world or we are the victims of happenstance. If we believe the latter, we believe in a world with no intelligence behind it, no love in it and no reason for it to be.
It is apparent in Nature that Love is the activating energy that causes life to become visible. It is also obvious that it does it intelligently. Everything has a purpose and a rightful place in the support of the continuance of revealed forms. Emerson talked about how a revelation is to become enthused, that is, filled with Spirit, with the knowing of our true nature; to be so aware of being the answer to any question. In other words, the answered prayer is within us. What we desire is revealed to us as part of our very Being. That is the power that moves our feet and makes things new.
We will not create a new world without participating in the transformation. We begin with ourselves. Don’t think for a minute that you do not matter. You are a key player! This time of isolation is a much needed break for all of us from how it has been. We can use it as a spiritual retreat. It is a way to tap into our own deeper knowing, to bring up the enthusiasm that will lift us out of fear into cheerful expectation. Not to say we are without compassion for anyone directly affected by the dis-ease, but to hold to a higher vision for us all. It is never an either/or choice. Enthusiasm for the greater possibility is simply seeing through the appearance to the emergent Good. It is not easy but it is essential spiritual practice. As a wise person said, we are now to hospice the old and mid-wife the new.
Stay tuned in,
Carol Carnes