You Can't Open Carry at Walmart Any More
by John Lawrence, September 10, 2019
After 2 mass shootings at Walmarts in El Paso, Texas, and Southaven, Mississippi, Walmart has decided not to sell handguns or ammunition for handguns in any of its stores. It also has stopped selling some types of rifle ammunition, the kind that can be used in high capacity magazines. In addition to that Walmart has banned open carry of firearms in all its stores. CVS, Walgreen's and Kroger have also followed suit. If you carry a weapon into a Walmart store, they will politely ask you to leave and escort you to your car where they will secure the weapon. It's all very gentlemanly or gentlewomanly as the case may be. Walmart, we thank you for your service.
This brings up an interesting point. The Second Amendment only applies on public property. Most stores in America are privately owned so there's no reason why they can't ban guns on their premises. So it's theoretically possible that, although the Federal government refuses to act on this issue, owners of private property will refuse to put up with guns on their property. Even some public areas such as public schools may outright ban guns on their property except for police or security guards. Churches definitely should put up huge signs: "No Guns Allowed on Church Property." The Second Amendment rights have turned into a fiasco where anyone with a grievance can take it out on society by seeing how many people they can kill before they are stopped.
Some jurisdictions have taken to not mentioning the gunman's name or showing his picture thus denying him his 15 minutes of fame. This is also a step in the right direction. Why should anyone have to know his name, and I say "his" advisedly since so far there have been few if any mass shooters that have been women or girls. It's a man's deadly game. They probabaly think they are demonstrating how manly they are by killing innocent men, women and children. The widespread proliferation of guns is a harbinger of the militarization of American society. Just as the US flaunts its military and its military budget which sucks the air out of the room of any humanitarian activities, American men think it's manly to own and use an arsenal of guns. If someone pisses them off, they can then take revenge by using them.
In China, gun ownership is subject to strict regulation. Generally, private citizens are not allowed to possess firearms. They don't fool around. While the US Congress dithers with respect to any gun control legislation, most mature countries have already handled this issue by strictly controlling who can and who can't have a gun. Most European countries also have strict gun control laws. You should have to prove first that you're competent and a good citizen before you're even allowed to own one rather than the other way around which is you have to demonstrate that you're a threat to society before your guns are taken away.
Let praise be bestowed on Dick’s Sporting Goods which said it would stop selling firearms and ammunition at 125 of its 700-plus locations. Meanwhile, Starbucks, Target and Wendy’s have also asked customers not to openly carry guns when visiting their stores. Hooah! Let the record show that there are a few bastions of safety and security left in the US where decent citizens can go about their daily activities in freedom - freedom from gun violence and the assholes who use the Second Amendment to demonstrate their uselessness to society.