Ernest Holmes taught that “our word is the announcement of Reality” and that if we really knew this we would do “what Jesus did and more.” Most of us are not seeking to be a healer or a messiah; we simply want peace and plenty for all. We must begin with our own life, the only place we can begin; therefore, our word needs to be an announcement of our own Reality; affirmative and bold, first person, present tense.
The only person who needs convincing is us. That is why we remove all mental obstacles, such as old resentments, unforgiveness, suppressed rage and fear. We work on our own mind, telling ourselves the spiritual truth so that our natural knowing can become our dominant thoughts. There is a level of consciousness where we are completely untroubled, perfectly intact as potential and at peace. It is our spiritual DNA. Having been covered over with human, worldly limiting ideas, our job is to reveal that Self, to think from that place.
Seen in this light we realize the profound significance of Holmes statement “there is nothing to be healed, but something to be revealed.” The revealing begins in mind. It is noteworthy that every spiritual practice, such as meditation, contemplation, declarative prayer, affirmation, is done by the individual. We may meditate in a group, but the experience is solitary. Everything we seek exists within the field of potential; the ground of our Being. We call it out effortlessly with our own self-awareness. It automatically responds to our word and corresponds, becoming visible as our Reality.
Stay tuned in,
Carol Carnes
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