A few days near the ocean, amidst tall pine trees, strolling deer and lovely people, was just what I needed to refresh my mind and calm my energy. It doesn’t take much to be restored! Of course it helped that 500 people gave me a wild standing ovation after I spoke! It was also the best New Thought music with Gary Lynn Floyd, Karen Druecker, Amy Bishop and top notch musicians. Every speaker added something valuable to the mix. We were bathed in spiritual truth and reminded of how much we all have within our own Being.
We can’t always leave home for a retreat, but we can create a mini version right in our own home. We can carve out a space for quiet time and meditation. We can play music that lifts the soul. If we have small children rushing to catch the school bus, we can join hands with them, say a few words of gratitude and cheerful expectation for a great day. We can plant a small garden or make something with our hands. These are simple things that slow down the mind and prepare us for the world.
It would seem unwise to enter the world of activity, opinions, challenges and conflicts without some preparation. We need to care for and tend to our own inner lives, for only as we continue to grow spiritually, can we bring our whole self into any situation. Your mind is important to the healing of this planet. How you think and who you are is vital to the transformation that needs to happen. Let’s ask ourselves this today: “Am I fully prepared to do my part in the Great Awakening?” We do not arm ourselves with weapons. We gear up with Love, compassion and clear thinking. These only come from deep within and they arise when we call them out, and that happens first in solitude and stillness.
Stay tuned in,
Carol Carnes www.centerforspiritualivingbakersfield.com
See also www.californiafreepress.net