It has been said it takes 21 days to change any habitual behavior. That is only three little weeks. Doesn’t that seem like too little time to change anything? However, most of us would forget the plan in day three. If we were to stick to it for the entire 21 days, we might be shocked at the results. Today I am proposing that we take up the challenge and make no negative judgments for 21 days! That means no complaining, no blaming or shaming. Imagine if the whole world was involved; we might come to the realization of how powerful we are, which would lead us to creative solutions to the issues we are now complaining about!
We give up our happiness every time we blame someone else for our condition. We abandon our creativity when our mind is churned up with resentment. We destroy all possibility of joy as we bring down others. We need to ask ourselves why we feel so entitled to heap negativity on those around us. Who do we think we are? If we were really honest we would answer; I must think I am worthless and powerless to behave this way.
We all know that a wounded animal can be dangerous. Wounded people who have done nothing to heal their inner imbalance can be dangerous as well. They lash out with the intention to hurt; to make someone else feel as bad as they do. But with some spiritual courage, some intention to elevate our thoughts, we can begin to experience the natural joy that lies under our fear. The very things we say “they” are taking from us remain within us, awaiting our attention. How can we ever make contact if we are so busy complaining and judging?
Stay tuned in,
Carol Carnes
See also