It is possible to respect a person’s right to their opinion, but not respect the opinion itself? Yes, free speech is essential in a democracy but not everything that is spoken or written is the highest use of it. Our job, as aware people, is to challenge the belief, not the right to believe it. We do grow and change our minds. Many cherished perceptions are simply a reaction to woundedness from childhood or ideas left un-examined, out of habit.
It is not uncommon for un-examined beliefs to be very unconscious but emotionally charged. Perhaps our dear parents thought white people were superior to those of color. We might be paying homage to them by allowing that belief to linger in our consciousness, unchallenged. Or thoughts about politics or money or sex or anything else that is important to us can be the residue of our upbringing. If we do not ask ourselves what is true about these issues, we carry the old ideas forward.
Is it true that skin color has anything to do with intelligence? Obviously not. All one has to do is research the thousands of accomplishments made by people of color right here in America, to put that old notion to rest. Is it true that women are inferior to men? There is nothing real to support that one. Is it true that hitting small children builds their character? Uh, no! Is it true, or even possible, that God is a man in the sky in a battle with a Devil for our souls? It’s metaphor, not reality.
Let’s practice the art of challenging our own unproven ideas. We will be the better for it and our world will be, too.
Stay tuned in,
Carol Carnes
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