There is a way of being in the world that allows us to experience it all and yet, not become mired in it. It has to do with training the mind to see everything as temporary, transient and nothing more than a construct of mind (ours and everyone else’s.) It is not an easy path but can be cultivated with simply being appreciative of what is right in front of us. Celebrate the Temporary was the title of a book in the ‘80’s. It is a profound practice and one that helps us to see through the appearance to the essence of it, which is always an idea acting as cause.
We have learned that ideas produce forms and experience. Therefore a change of ideas will bring about change in our immediate experience. Right now, humanity is struggling to embrace a new idea of its Source. The old religions do not include science and that is why they are outdated. As a people, we have created the world we live in based on our beliefs about God and the universe and our place in it. We have limited our own possibilities due to the superstitious nature of religious doctrine. How can we ever achieve peace and cooperation if we think of some as “outside” the love of God, or less than us?
Personally I have attended many, many interfaith meetings. They never produce anything other than a professed respect for the right to believe what we choose. But that is the problem. It is the beliefs themselves that are the Cause of war, violence, racism, sexism, homophobia, the destruction of our biosphere. Sure, we respect the right to believe what you want. But we do not have to respect the lies themselves. In fact, we need to open our minds to the possibility that we have been thinking too small to create the vision of a world that works for everyone.
Affirm: “I am not fooled by appearances. I see through them to the mighty power of possibility. Where there is hate, I see love. Where there is ignorance, I see wisdom. Where there is lack, I see plenty. Where there is separation, I see equality. I am available to new ideas about everything!”
Stay tuned in,
Carol Carnes
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