HH the Dalai Lama has suggested we adopt this phrase; “we human beings" when speaking about our shared issues. Rather than seeing the world as “us and them” he feels we could improve conditions more rapidly if we saw our natural equality as humans. We all want the same thing, to find happiness and to avoid suffering. That is the essence of every decision we make. The mistake we make is in the trying to find anything. Our capacity for happiness depends on our awareness that it is a spiritual quality innate in us and is revealed by our moment by moment decisions. We can feel happiness right now!
In that sense, we create happiness and in the process, avoid suffering. Can we do it in times of great change and chaos? Why not? Why not be happy anyway? Do you really believe that happiness means you don’t care? Do you think happiness lacks compassion for those who are suffering? Are you unconsciously waiting for the whole world to change before you claim your happiness?
Happiness and social activism are not mutually exclusive. In fact, HH the Dalai Lama has said “happy people don’t cause problems. They solve them.” Moreover, research has proven that a happy mind is a healthy mind and a healthy mind creates health in the body. The earth/body is not healthy right now because of the lack of happiness in “we human beings.” In our ignorance we have created suffering by the decisions we have made that were largely based on a superstitious model of the universe and our place in it. We all want peace and plenty for “we human beings.” Can we be happy while we want it? Can happiness help us be more active in the creating of a world that works for everyone? Let’s put it to the test. Be happy now.
Stay tuned in,
Carol Carnes www.centerforspirituallivingbakersfield.com
Also see www.californiafreepress.net