Billionaire Wipes Out Student Loan Debt at Morehouse College
by John Lawrence, May 24, 2019
Robert Smith, a black billionaire, paid off all the student loan debt for the graduating class at historically black Morehouse College - some $40 million of it. One guy alone had $200,000 in student loan debt. Now it's up to some of the white billionaires to pay off student loan debt at their alma maters. Ha. Ha. Won't happen. Alternatively, if you are of Italian or Irish descent you can get a free college education anywhere in the EU and get dual citizenship to boot. Or you can go to Germany and get a free college education regardless of your heritage. Germany needs skilled workers, and this reality creates a win-win situation for American students. All students enrolled in any of the country’s public universities can attend for free. What’s more, German universities offer a wide range of programs entirely in English, and an American student can earn a university degree in Germany without speaking a word of German.
Why aren't American students taking advantage of these options? It's a no brainer. The opportunities today are at the global level. Someone who doesn't learn a foreign language and just graduates from some podunk American college with $50 or $100 thousand in student loan debt is choosing a life of debt peonage. People who qualify for Italian citizenship can also get free health care in that country. You can pass the citizenship on to your children. You can remain an American citizen so you have all the advantages of American citizenship as well as all the advantages of European citizenship. If you get citizenship in one EU country, you can travel or go to school in any EU country so it's like being a citizen of Europe not just Austria or Italy.
Europe remains a well-known, highly sought-after destination for students seeking refuge from high-priced U.S. colleges and universities, but public universities in countries such as Mexico and Brazil also have virtually free tuition; students pay registration fees, which amount to very little when considering the exchange rates. Some universities offer top-quality programs of study in English. Earning a degree south of the border also makes it possible for students to learn highly sought-after languages of commerce, such as Spanish and Portuguese.
It's a no brainer especially for the 17 million Americans of Italian descent. Citizenship in Italy means that you are a citizen of the EU and can live, work and travel visa free anywhere in the EU. Free medical care is nothing to take for granted. There is no free long term health care for seniors in the US even if you have Medicare. Medicare does not cover nursing homes which are very expensive. Jus sanguinis, or the right to citizenship because your ancestor was born in a particular country, applies to a number of other countries besides Italy: Ireland, Austria and the Czech Republic, for example. Some countries only recognize jus sanguinis for one generation. In other words you would have to be born to a father or mother who is a citizen of that country. But Italy recognizes your right to acquire Italian citizenship if your ancestor going back many generations was born in Italy. Italy only became a country in 1861 so you can't go back farther than that.
This is a wonderful opportunity especially for those of Italian descent. Being an Italian citizen is the same as being a citizen of the EU. With that and dual American citizenship you are practically a citizen of the world and can choose to live wherever it is most advantageous or propitious.