Be happy right now this minute! Stop your mind from dwelling on what seems to be a problem. Shift your attention just for this minute to how beautiful Life really is. Think of yourself, just for now, as a miracle of intelligence and love. You can fuss and worry about your detriment later. But for now, decide to be in a bit of bliss. People say they can’t do it, but they are wrong. Happiness is a tiny move away from our perception into what is true.
Just what is true? Life itself, is perfect. It is untroubled, completely engaged in reproducing itself in a spectacular display of diversity. Life supports life. Life is for Life and never against it. Life is God, Spirit, the Absolute, the One. Life is the only thing there is and it is extending itself into form as you. In other words, God is being you. Isn’t that a happy-making thought? The Divine is located right where you are, meaning, Life is responding to you right where you are. Where are you but someplace in mind?
Wouldn’t we want Life to respond to our happiness, bringing more reasons to be happy into our awareness? Seems simple but we humans are very good at complicating things. We have a collective belief in the value of waiting for things to change before we can feel our innate happiness. Really? What has to happen first? If we give that question some serious consideration we will see the folly in waiting for anything to happen. Just be happy now, in this minute. This is all we’ve got!
Stay tuned in,
Carol Carnes
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