Einstein said to look deep into Nature and we would understand everything better. That is such good advice. Nature is the grand metaphor for Life itself. Nature is beauty, diversity, interdependence, cooperation, birth, death, reemergence, reproduction, intelligence and love, which is the lavish and relentless giving forth of the fruits of each species. There is an invisible power making the whole thing function perfectly. It is a continuum and can withstand any temporary changes in the environment. It will always come back into balance given enough time.
Humanity made the great error of thinking it was apart from Nature. With our ability to affirm or deny, we denied our place in the grand scheme of things We removed our actions from the equation and we have interfered with the natural balance. Worse yet, we have adopted the erroneous notion that there is a lack of everything and that we must fight for our good.
From this point of view, the Adam and Eve story seems a cautionary tale. We removed ourselves from Nature (“left the garden”) and entered the realm of pairs of opposites. We forgot oneness when we became aware of twoness. We named everything and lost the sense of unity and became convinced of separateness. It is a useful illusion in this time/space dimension, but if separateness is our only view of reality, we get into serious trouble. It is a spiritual misunderstanding. A new view of our place in Nature and our relationship with the invisible power could set things on a whole new path.
Stay tuned in,
Carol Carnes www.centerforspirituallivingbakersfield.com