HH the Dalai Lama has said “ we educate the heart by training the mind.” He suggests we make conscious decisions to do three things: deliberately refrain from doing harm to self or others; cultivate positive behaviors; seek ways to be of service to others and therefore the world. The premise is that once we actually make these choices and act upon them, the heart, or our feeling nature, will awaken naturally. When we are involved with life-supporting actions, we have a profound sense of well-being. We feel authentic because we are serving the desires of the soul!
The desires of the ego are always to enhance our standing in the eyes of the world. We make decisions that are devoid of altruism or compassion. It is all about serving our own ego demands. Hence we wind up depressed or angry because we can never get the reaction we crave. But turn it around, support the greater good, and our hearts will feel the joy of living.
It is a constant choice to be human in the true sense of the word. We can also choose to serve the false self but it never brings happiness or peace to the heart. The question is ongoing. Christians ask “what would Jesus do?” Not a bad reference but we can also simply stop and ask “is this what my soul desires? Will this make my heart happy?” We are happiest when we are giving, sharing, loving, caring. Training the mind to choose rightly, opens the heart, awakens its powers, which are astonishingly transforming!
Stay tuned in,
Carol Carnes www.centerforspirituallivingbakersfield.com
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The Dalai Lama reference is from his book “Beyond Religion”