Having just viewed pictures of the universe taken by the Hubble telescope, I am, once again, stunned at the mystery of our existence. What is this thing called universe? No one really knows how it can exist. Yes, there was a big bang but what was before that? Naturally we had to make up a story to ease our minds. But basically, Life is incomprehensible.
Having said that, there are observable aspects to life that can help us feel more at home in the mystery. Such things as the apparent responsiveness of ‘something’ to our mental atmosphere. It is undeniable that our thoughts, held in conviction, tend to become our personal reality. It seems as if we are not creating, but somehow involved in the Creative Process that is always active. The universe and everything in it is the visible evidence of its ever becoming.
Our mind seems to be one of, probably, billions of vehicles for the ongoing creation of the universe. Just like the tiny ants on our planet have a tremendous role to play in our own ecology, perhaps conscious beings are important to the Whole. One has to wonder what earthlings are contributing with all our ignorant rantings and ravings and destructive behaviors. Yes, there are more of us who try to live with love and compassion, but we also fail at times. Our collective self esteem is so low we cannot imagine that what we do every day really matters in the ongoing creation. Our religious stories have turned us into little worms in the dust. But there is a new story, one that can turn things around. It is the New Thought assertion: There is a power for Good in this universe. It is available to everyone and you use it when you think.”
Stay tuned in,
Carol Carnes www.centerforspirituallivingbakersfield.com
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