When we are alone, sitting in meditation, we might have the sense of “the stillness that comes after a parade has passed by.” (paraphrasing of Emerson.)
Where is the world when we are not engaged in it? Does it exist somewhere outside of us? Perhaps it is a figment of our imagination. Lately there have been peculiar comments from scientists suggesting this may all be some kind of computer generation. Well, as Ernest Holmes said about the realm of experience, “It is as real as it needs to be.” Yes, our personal life is as real as it needs to be to give us the experience of our consciousness.
That is why such tag lines as “change your thinking, change your life” are good advice. Everyone carries with them, actually proceeding them into any situation, a sense of who they know themselves to be. Usually they are wrong, having attached some label based on past events to their self-image. That sense of self precedes us into the office, the relationship, the meeting. Without knowing it, we try to live up to our self-assessment and will unconsciously goad others into making us right.
The parade of the past has gone by but what we are left with is our own perception of what happened and how it affected us. However, when we enter the stillness, the silence, the realm of pre-experience, we find there are no labels attached to us. We are as whole and intact as the day we were born. We are now and always shall be, the Christ incarnate seeking to bring its light into the world. Change your self-identity, change the world.
Stay tuned in,
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