There is nothing like the sight of a full moon on a cold wintry night. A few evenings back, it was casting a bright light through the bare trees. Very romantic, but the first, or maybe second thought I had was, “humans have walked on that thing!” Nature in all her beauty and mystery, nonetheless has secrets that can be discovered and catalogued. There is a scientific side to everything, from why the full moon can make dogs aggressive to why lovers swoon under it.
Our beliefs about the origins of life have been largely romantic. But with modern science we are beginning to see we had the right idea but told the story in poetic language. Scientific language turns “Let there be Light” into the Big Bang theory. From dark matter, the universe erupted and light was born. Well, maybe. We could be wrong about that, too. Time will tell. But it is important that we hold our stories lightly and keep an open mind.
Life on planet earth could be a paradise. The science of today can help us restore her to her former perfection. But if we cling to the old story of ‘we have dominion over all life’, we will continue to treat her as if she had no value whatsoever. The common story is that Nature is our enemy. It is quite possible that one will come true. Not because it is true, but because we have made it so. It is time we wrote a new story about our dependence on her well- being, on our responsibility to care-take the planet, on our debt to future humans who will live in our legacy. Let’s keep romance out of it and listen to the scientists. The full moon is beautiful but it has a purpose. Without it we would not be here.
Stay tuned in,
Carol Carnes
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