The man Jesus was a tough love kind of guy. He got so angry he withered a fig tree! He threw the money-changers out of the temple. He was what we might call a radical healer. He was friends with misfits and harlots. He walked with lepers, which was unheard of in those days. He showed a kind of fearlessness that is rare in our time. Jesus was not a hippie. He was a mystic, probably a great Yogi.
According to some biblical scholarship* his mother Mary belonged to a healing circle of women who called themselves “the virgins.” He came by his desire to transform the world via her. His father was a carpenter. He built things. The young boy, Jesus, must have been deeply imprinted by his earthly parents. His lasting gifts to the world are those of healing and building. His words are those of every great spiritual teacher.
They all teach: Find the Source within. Let your ego take a back seat to your Spirit. Take care of your mind, feed it good thoughts. Be compassionate to those who seem lost. Do not be attached to worldly possessions, but be willing to follow a high calling. Let go of things as they happen. Forgive and move on. Love your neighbor and Love your Source and Love your Self.
Before Jesus the rule to live by was “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.” Jesus introduced love and forgiveness into the collective unconscious. We are still trying to bring his advice into our shared reality. This time of year is the celebration of courage, love, power and forgiveness whether you are a Jew, Christian, a Religious Scientist, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu or someone who has never been to a church or temple. It is time to celebrate being human and to welcome our own awakening to the simplest of truths: “The Father and I are One.” (God is within.) We are its hands and feet. Let’s try again to walk the high road.
Stay tuned in,
*For more about this read ”The Gnostic Gospels” by Elaine Pagels.