This is late today because I have been having computer problems all morning. It turned out to be a connection problem. Isn’t that always the case? If it is not properly drawing current, nothing works! The same is true for us as well. We “plug in” through the right use of mind. It all begins with the declaration of our unity in the field of possibility. A religious person might say our oneness with God.
How to stay connected? It has to do with a spiritual practice that is regular and intentional. Next is paying attention to how we react to the experience we are having, which would include the images on television. Do we make an effort to see through the appearance and to judge it righteously? By that I mean, can we see the bigger picture, place the event in the context of a larger something happening?
As terrible as the suffering of humanity is right now, I do believe something more is coming through. We are experiencing the effects of our past ignorance and our refusal to consider that we are responsible for the quality of life here on our little planet, and in fact, the planet itself. We have dumbed down our relationship to the Whole and thereby we have caused the suffering we see right now. It is up to us to make the changes necessary to put things to rights. It is not too late but it is a right now project. Let’s stay connected to the Source and claim our power!
Stay tuned in, (web launch on Dec 2, 2018)