There is the world and all it’s beauty and there is Something Else. There is change and chaos and upheaval and there is Something Else. There is you and your life with its joys and sorrows and there is Something Else, ever present, behind it all, running through it all. The beginning place of all life is rooted in it. Where would it be found if not at the beginning place of awareness? If not within our own deeper mind, where could it possibly be?
It was in us when we emerged into the world of form. We carried it into this personalized experience. We are its vehicle, so to speak. My life and your life are the opportunities for the Something Else to become seen and known in time and space. In religious language it sounds like “In the beginning there was God and God is all there is, appearing to be everything else!”
Matthew Fox, the author of ‘The Coming of the Cosmic Christ’ suggests the beginning point of self-discovery and the return of the Christ is within our own Being. He teaches the way in to it is meditation. Through the avenue of silence and stillness, we feel the Presence. That is all it takes for us to experience the “happy for no reason” state of mind that is so beneficial to the body, to our relationships, to our work, to our world. The mystics of ancient days, like Rumi, knew it intimately. He sang about the realization of his own awakening with these words: “I didn’t know I was all you.”
Stay tuned in,
Carol Carnes
Thank you Maren Elwood for creating our beautiful new website!