We have heard from spiritual teachers that “the day will come when science and religion shall walk hand in hand.” However, the religion that science will partner with is not the religion of the West, but the mystical traditions of Eastern philosophies. Last night I awoke in the wee hours and feeling wide awake began to scan my bookshelf. I took out The Tao Of Physics which I haven’t read in 25 years. By Fritjof Capra, this is the definitive statement on the topic.
The New physics demands the inclusion of the Feminine in our very masculine world view. We have been operating with only half of our natural being! It is crucial in these times that we stem the tide of rampant toxic masculinity. It is not about men and women (although we are each affected) as much as it is about the direct experience of our own spiritual wholeness, and the science that supports it. The Feminine values that have been almost completely ignored by western religion and old paradigm science are desperately needed in our perception of reality and our relationship to the universe.
What Quantum physics and Eastern Philosophy have in common is the “unity of all things” viewpoint. From the cosmic to the atomic, everything is one something particularizing itself. It is in deep meditation that we begin to feel the truth of that astonishing truth. ( We knew it before we learned to talk and before we were talked out of it!) What this does to the thinking mind is to enliven our love, our sense of unconditional acceptance of difference. We know that we are one with Nature and our decisions must be in accord with her well-being. We perceive that we are immersed in Cause and all that it can do must come through us if we are to experience its Presence . We know that our personhood is both masculine and feminine and each one is necessary for the full expression of our true nature. Imagine how different the world would be if that were a shared perception by all of humanity.
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