The great comedian, W.C. Fields said “a dead fish will float downstream, but it takes a live one to swim upstream.”
What is the level of our aliveness today? Are we able to meet the challenges and see opportunity? Do we claim the unseen help that is always available once we engage it? Have we forgotten that this life is not trying to hurt us, but is always supportive of our higher inclinations? Our degree of aliveness is determined by how much we believe in the power we hold within our own mind, and if we know our mind is a personification of a universal Mind.
Recently, a group of scientists announced their certainty that the universe itself is conscious. Perhaps that is what we have been calling God. There is a responsiveness to our own aliveness from the Source of it. What we determine to be ours to do or to create is metaphorically pushing us upstream, into success and fulfillment. As long as we are swimming, the current carries us forward.
There is a real joy in the experience of being helped by an invisible power. It seems magical, sometimes, how facts appear to support our truth. There are dazzling synchronicities and unexpected turns of events that we could not have predicted, but which are perfect for our particular journey. Ernest Holmes always said “Life is for us, never against us.” That is the one principle we need to remember no matter what is our current situation. It is as true of humanity as it is individuals. We are headed upstream. We are being pushed. We will arrive together.
Stay tuned in,
Carol Carnes