There is a bit of a lull between Thanksgiving and the Holidays. Most people will fill it with shopping. What if we used this time to pause and reflect on 2018 and all that we created for ourselves this past year? Are we pleased with what we have allowed into our experience? If not, what can we do right now to make 2019 what we truly desire?
One of the requirements of any business at the end of the year is to take an inventory of products as yet unsold. Can we do something similar by checking in with our own mind to see what is still there that may be old and outdated? The most powerful thing we can do is to claim our recent experience as the product of our mind. I know, sometimes we cannot make that link, but just assume it is true that consciousness produced it all. Just for now, own it.
When we claim the power of our mind, we have ceased to be the victim of the times, the past or the collective belief system. We are not shaped by the world, rather, our world is shaped by us. There is a deeper or higher mind within us that sometimes takes the lead and assists us in maintaining our wholeness. That is when we cannot see how we had anything to do with what is current in our life, but we trust it is for our Good. There is no Power that teaches us lessons. There is only the universal Life Force coming through us to be shaped by us in order to keep us in optimal well-being. That would include our health, our prosperity, our love, our peace, our joy and our creativity.
It is possible that all we need right now to make our world a better place are some new ideas!
Stay tuned in,