The one thing about humans that keeps hope alive is our innate capacity for changing our ways. It was evident in the abolishment of slavery; women granted the right to vote; the legalization of same-sex marriage; passing of laws that guaranteed reproductive rights; conservation of national parks; the end of child labor. We have changed our ways innumerable times for the betterment of our shared reality. But we are a bit overdue right now for some major shifts in our collective perception of what is acceptable human behavior.
It is election day in America. We will, hopefully, vote for those who seem to be on board with a higher vision for what we must and can change right now to turn the momentum away from self-destruction into loving respect for all life and what that means in our policies and decisions. It applies to each of us as well. What are we voting for in our behaviors? Are we living up to what we demand in our leaders? Are we modelling the very things we say must happen?
Our daily choices are, metaphorically, a vote for something. What we praise, we tend to protect. Do we praise the air, the water, the sun and the rain? Do we praise the animals and the land and the rivers and plains? Seriously, how removed from the natural world have we, ourselves, become. Let’s get in sync with Mother Nature; praise her, love her, support her, protect her. Vote for her with our actions. We know what we need to do. Let’s go out and vote.
Stay tuned in,
Carol Carnes