Rupert Sheldrake, the scientist who is known for his work with Morphic Resonance said, in a talk with Matthew Fox, “because the mind is not localized in the brain” but exists in a field, intentional thoughts could have definite effects on the course of Nature. Including positive thinking, he was also referring to real prayer, which declares the existence of a higher presence that is in some way responsive to our intentions. That is an apt description of what 21st century prayer is all about. In modern New Thought we call it spiritual mind treatment. We are giving our own mind a treatment of spiritual truth, in order to dispel limited ideas which commonly occur as we look at the world as it appears to be.
It stands to reason that a higher presence would co-respond to higher ideas that speak of its nature and our unity in it. Our prayers are not always answered because we are assuming we must earn the favor of a remote power that sits in judgement of our request. Science is telling us a different story of the cosmos, one which New Thought has been telling for decades and others told in the ancient world. Our minds are the extension of pure intelligence and absolute love. We are the way the extension continues into time and space and therefore, becomes personal experience.
The New Science and spirituality are actually one thing. They direct us to think above our experience, to declare what we intend over what already is. The Higher presence does not fix anything. It re-creates the original image and likeness of wholeness that precedes all form. When we sit down to commune with our Source, we are evoking from within our own mind the connection with boundless possibility. Let’s be very intentional about what we drop into the Field of co-creation.
Stay tuned in,
Carol Carnes (being recreated !)