How George W Bush's Iraq War Wasted a Trillion Dollars, Killed Thousands of People, Spawned ISIS, Caused the European Refugee Crisis and Turned Iraq into a Client State of Iran
by John Lawrence
Before the US invasion Iraq was a majority Shiite country ruled by a Sunni elite. Naturally, the US in its never ending efforts to spread democracy in the world, was happy to see the democratic (Shiite) country ruled by a Shiite government after it eliminated Saddam Hussein. But wait. Iran is a majority Shiite country and they're our supposed enemy. The US is allied with Saudi Arabia which is Sunni and an enemy of Shiite Iran. So naturally when Sunni terrorists groups like ISIS started operating in and taking over Iraq, who came to the rescue and forced ISIS out?
Of course, you can't make this stuff up. It was the US enemy Iran who came to Iraq's rescue with its Popular Mobilization Force (PMF). They, not the US, rescued Iraq from ISIS. So now everybody is happy, right? Iran, which is Shiite, has enormous influence in Iraq, which is majority Shiite and they both are adjacent to Syria which is ruled by a Shiite variant al-Assad.
Net net: The US invasion of Iraq helped create a Shiite dominated middle east controlled by the US enemy Iran while undercutting the US ally, Saudi Arabia. Are we happy now? Can the bloodshed stop now? After an enormous price was paid in money and blood, the US weakened the position of its ally and strengthened the position of its enemy. Iran, by the way is allied with Russia, which now the US is trying to recreate as its enemy. The US needs enemies in order to justify more trillions of dollars in expenditures on its military-industrial complex and more bloodshed among the hoi polloi of the world, the little people.
Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton completed the destabilization of the middle east with their efforts in Syria, which came to nought, and Libya which spawned another terrorist movement. But terrorism is good for the economy because it justifies more dollars spent on the military-industrial complex.
In the meantime the destruction in the middle east gave all the ones there who survived the US onslaught the idea that Europe with its progressive and humane vales might just be a better place to live after their homes and businesses were destroyed and their friends and relatives killed. So Europe is now not only overwhelmed by refugees but is suffering the brunt of the terrorist attacks. They have the US to thank for this starting with George W Bush's efforts after 9/11. He couldn't attack Saudi Arabia where the majority of the hijackers were from because the US was allied with them because of oil so he had to attack some country and Iraq was the logical choice.
Oh, the tangled web we weave. This is what happens when we elect a narcissist, egotist, ignorant ignoramus for President. Oh wait, we've elected two of them lately.