While Trump Was Colluding With Russia, Hillary Was Colluding With Wall Street
by John Lawrence
Hillary has a new book out: What Happened. Hillary is in denial about what really happened. She's mad at Bernie Sanders because he pointed out that she took huge sums of money (for speeches!) from Wall Street executives like Lloyd Blankfein, CEO of Goldman Sachs, and Jamie Diamond, CEO of JPMorgan Chase. This was never supposed to have seen the light of day, much less become a campaign issue. This was just supposed to be par for the course, the normal way of doing business for someone in her position.
I liked Hillary. I voted for her. She had a nice smile. But taking money from Wall Street after they almost brought down the whole economy? They should have ended up in jail. Instead they were cut a break and never missed a beat with their enormous salaries and bonuses. They are doing the same things today they were doing then and instead of going to jail, their institutions, notably Wells Fargo, get a small slap on the wrist and a small fine, the cost of doing business.
In addition to her coziness with Wall Street, something that Hillary didn't want us to know about, Hillary was instrumental as Secretary of State in the debacles in Libya and Syria. While the American media and public were sidetracked with respect to Hillary's "fake" transgressions such as her emails, the real reasons why she should never have become President were her collusion with Wall Street and her failed foreign policy gambits. Hillary voted for the invasion of Iraq! As a woman she thought it necessary to establish her reputation as a hawk. She thought she had to gain a reputation for being tough. Instead of greasing the skids for her becoming the first woman President, this turned out to be her downfall.
In the final analysis, she would have made a much better President than Donald Trump. It's a tragedy that she wasn't elected, but it's a bigger tragedy for the Democratic party that they didn't select Bernie Sanders as their candidate. She criticized Bernie for making unrealistic promises. Isn't that what Trump did and look at the results. Trump is all over the board while Republicans in his administration and Congress slowly grind away at every program that would benefit the poor or the earth. Hillary would have been the President of the Democratic party status quo going back to her husband's "triangulation" and deregulation of Wall Street. We need something better than that, but we got something worse.