This morning on CBS they had commentator Ben Stein on to whine about the fact that, if the Bush tax cuts expire for the rich, he'll have to pay more taxes. Boo hoo, Mr. Stein. First he admits to making more than $250,000. a year, but he doesn't say how much more. He admits to owning some real estate, but he doesn't say how much real estate or what it's worth. Instead he whines about the fact that Obama is going to raise his taxes. Of course, he doesn't mention the fact that it was President Bush that set the process in motion by using reconciliation to give him tax cuts for ten years in the first place that were set to expire in 2011. Not a word of thankfulness or gratitude for ten years' worth of tax cuts! Just his perception that Obama (not Bush who set the process in motion) is going to raise his taxes. First, this guy is supposed to have something smart to say. Why else does CBS have him on as a talking head? But, evidently, he doesn't even know the history of the Bush tax cuts and how they were set to expire.
He just moans, "Why me, Mr. President. What have I done wrong?" Pullease. He has no sympathy for the 15% of the American people living in poverty which money from the tax cuts on the upper 2% could conceivably help. He has no understanding that not letting those tax cuts expire could add $700,000. to the national debt over 10 years. All Mr. Ben Stein can think about is his poor, poor self. If his tax cuts expire, it won't make an iota of difference to Mr. Stein's lifestyle. He'll still eat well. He'll still be well housed and well clothed. He'll still get to do everything he does now and so will his wife and kid. It's just a ridiculous spectacle that somebody as rich as Mr. Stein gets on TV and whines about having to pay more taxes. He actually wants you to feel sorry for him! He wants to elicit your sympathy for him, not for the jobless, the homeless, the poverty stricken. Poor, poor Mr. Stein!
People like Mr. Stein only have sympathy for themselves, and they have the nerve to try and get you to feel sorry for them! Not a word from Mr. Stein about the 98% of the American population that is less fortunate than he is. Just a big speech that amounts to self-centered selfishness in a bid to get the less fortunate to feel sorry for him and his family! "What did I do wrong, Mr. President?" Indeed. Maybe what you did wrong was to get on TV in the first place and whine that your $250,000. income for doing next to nothing wasn't enough and that the rest of America should keep on subsidizing you like they've been subsidizing the rich under Republican administrations for the last 30 years.
Next time you make a commentary, Mr. Stein, you might sound a note of thankfulness for your good fortune in being among the upper 2% in America making more than $250,000. in income a year. Because what you have to offer is just a bunch of hot air which doesn't amount to a hill of beans. And this morning's sermon was a new low even for you.